Sweet words for you

Dear you
It is from the water's edge that I write to you, my resource .
Soon it will be time to dare to rest. Not that it's that hard to do, because we love it. It's more that the year will have been decidedly and absolutely difficult.
I need to explain...
Plume was not a childhood dream and I don't come from the fashion world. It happened to me as if it were obvious, I was 44 years old. There are paths that cross and suddenly everything makes sense.
Yes, what has always fascinated me about clothes are the stories they allow us to tell. Stories for yourself and for others too.
One day it's the desire to feel confident, the other the desire to be part of the group or perhaps to leave it. Seduce or maybe do nothing. For us human beings, it is our other language.
I am convinced of it
Three and a half years of Plume and so much has happened.
Plume is a story of women, of mothers, of slightly crazy adventurers. Because you have to admit it all the same, you have to be a little to embark on such an adventure.
Plume is a story of laughter, worries, joys and lives. The capsules often represent what is happening in our hearts around here. A sort of eternal love story where creations would be the pretext for new stories. And then there are all these external, more political and economic elements which ended up putting all our interlocutors in tension. A feeling that everything will have been more difficult. Maybe you felt it too, but around here it took a lot of energy.
Luckily you are here!

There were definitely even more of you this year who trusted us. Each in your own way, taking advantage of the pre-order or not. Thank you for your often very kind words, for the little stories that you tell us in your messages. We love seeing photos of you so much. You can't imagine how happy this makes us. Sometimes I send some of your photos to our workshops so that the little hands who make your pieces can see them worn.
All this is the meaning, it is the reward and what moves us forward.
The coming year is full of hope and desires. I can't wait to show you everything we have imagined for you. There will be sharing of know-how, unexpected things, eternal stories and always a lot of love.
In the meantime, I really want to wish us beautiful sunsets, lovely shared moments, moments for us.
I want to wish us a wonderful summer.
I kiss you,

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